A study analyzing the state of open data in Urban India through a people and data lens.
Category: Data Governance Network
New national data policy still in shadow of old rulebook
While it is good to see such open data efforts by the government, ensuring that they are set up for success is key.
An investigation of National Open Government Data Platforms: How can India improve?
This paper analyses global OGD platforms from a technical and policy lens to obtain lessons for Indian OGD initiatives.
Methods to measure spatial access to healthcare facilities in cities: A case study of the urban poor in Chennai
This paper uses geospatial models to measure access to healthcare facilities by the urban poor in Chennai.
Embed open data principles in Master Plans to make planning more inclusive and participatory
An open data culture needs to be built within urban planning exercises.
Technology can aid state capacity, not replace it
Technology is not a silver bullet for governance. Technical solutions must be supplemented with structural improvements to ensure the effective delivery of public services.
Assessing geomasking techniques to protect the spatial privacy of individuals during COVID-19 and beyond
Summarises various geomasking techniques that can be applied by Indian policymakers to continue using GIS for tracking COVID-19 spread but also for monitoring and improving the delivery of healthcare beyond the pandemic.